Privacy Policy is compliant with The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 and as such is committed to protecting your privacy as well as being open about our methods of tracking and using personal data.

When you visit our online store we only collect the information needed to process your orders, improve your interaction with the site and to provide the best experience possible. 

See the list below for more information about what Personal Information we collect and why.

Device information

  • Information collected: Version of web browser, IP address, time zone, cookie information, what  products you viewed, search terms, and how you navigate in the Site.
  • Reason of collection: To load the site accurately for you (for example, to automatically switch the store to the mobile version.), and to perform analytics on site usage to optimize our site.
  • Source of collection: Collected automatically when you access our Site using cookies, log files, web beacons, tags, or pixels.
  • Disclosure for business purpose: shared with our processor Shopify.

Order information

1- Full Name

2- Billing address, shipping address

3- Phone number

4- E-mail address

5- Payment information: we don't receive your credit card numbers or billing information, only Shopify will use your credit card number, ccv plus your name and surname to verify and process your payments for our products

Reason for collection: 

To accept and process your orders & payment

To make sure you’ve got your packages

Accommodate and preferences you shared with us

Advertising related to our products and services

Our store works with third parties, such as Shopify, that help us provide the best service for you, and these third parties also use some of the personal details you’re leaving. We limit the data they can access to only what is necessary for them to perform their obligations.

  • Payment services use your credit card number, your name and surname to verify and process your payments for our products
  • Our stock keepers use the data of your order contents to assemble the necessary package for you
  • Postal services use your first name, last name, and physical address to arrange the product delivery for you
  • Mass mailing services use your email address to send you emails (if you have subscribed for them)

If you keep browsing our webstore after reading this Privacy Policy, you give us the consent to use your personal details for the purposes explained above.

Our website is powered by shopify. You can read more about how Shopify uses your Personal Information here: 

Our secure website also has a genuine McAfee Trust Seal you can click on to open the seal and check the details.

Happy Shopping!